At Fanatics Collect, we’re determined to create a secure, trustworthy, and fun environment for all sellers and buyers. By setting clear standards of behavior, we prevent harmful activities, maintain a positive user experience, and protect user rights. Those who are in violation may be subject to corrective action. We take action based on the severity, frequency, and types of violations.
What's Our Process?
Each violation counts as one strike.
How many strikes can I receive?
Three strikes is the maximum amount an account can receive. However, if a violation proves to be severely egregious and puts the community and platform at risk, a one-strike ban may be instituted.
How am I notified of a violation?
Notice will be sent via email.
What actions could be taken against my account?
- Warning: Notice will be sent of the violation, no further action will be taken at the time.
- Suspension (or frozen account): Temporary loss of access to the platform between 48 hours and 30 days, depending on the violation and frequency of violations.
Ban: For the most serious violations or continued repeat violations, we will institute a permanent ban.
What happens during the investigation?
Depending on the severity of the violation, the user may lose participation privileges.
Can I appeal a decision?
You have the right to appeal any action taken against your account. Please contact us at with any questions or additional information which may help inform your appeal.
How do I report a violation?
If you believe there has been a violation of our Terms of Use (ex. fake card) We have "report a violation" button on the card listings. You can also report any violation directly to
False reports of policy violations
Any report needs to represent a genuine belief that someone has violated our terms. If someone is intentionally making false reports of policy violations, we may take actions against their account, such as restricting their activity on Fanatics Collect or permanent ban from the platform.