Does Fanatics Collect offer grading and authentication services for raw cards?
Fanatics Collect offers a simpler way to get your raw cards graded and authenticated by our partners PSA, Beckett, CGC Cards, and SGC. Benefits include a simpler submission process, streamlined path to the market, and partnership pricing.
You fill out an online submission form and send your cards once. Fanatics Collect and the grading and authenticating service of your choice handle the rest, including secure shipment, grading, imaging, and titling. Upon grading, cards can be scheduled directly into a Weekly Auction or curated into your Fanatics Collect vault, from which you can list them in the Buy Now Marketplace.
How do I submit cards for grading and authentication?
Follow the submission process through the Fanatics Collect website here. Select the "Non-Authenticated (Raw) Trading Cards" option in Step Two and follow the directions. You must have a registered account to submit your cards through Fanatics Collect.
What are the advantages of getting raw cards graded and authenticated through Fanatics Collect?
With Fanatics Collect you can access preferential partnership pricing, fill out less paperwork, avoid the lengthy card identification process, and send your cards just once to get them graded, on the market, and sold.
When you submit your raw cards, you can choose to have them placed directly into a Weekly Auction after they’ve been graded or curated into your Fanatics Collect Vault, from which you can list them in the Buy Now marketplace.
How much does it cost to have my cards graded and authenticated through Fanatics Collect?
It depends on which grading and authentication service you choose to use. Pricing is as follows:
- CGC Grading: $9/card
- CGC Authentication: $3/card if sold on Fanatics Collect within 30 days of authentication or $6 per card if vaulted
- SGC: $14/sports card, $9/TCG and non-sports card
- Beckett: $25/card
-PSA: variety of pricing tiers available
The specific offering from each grading and authentication partner can vary. For more information and to see which one could be best for you, visit our Authentication Partner overview page.
How long will it take for my cards to be graded?
We cannot provide estimated grading and authentication times for our partners. Please visit their websites for more information on estimated turnaround time.
How much is CGC Authentication?
The authentication-only service is $3/card if sold on Fanatics Collect within 30 days of authentication or $6 per card if vaulted.
What is the turnaround time for CGC authentication and grading?
On-site CGC authentication and grading target turnaround times of 24 hours, though that aim is dependent on submission volume.
How much do cards have to be worth to qualify for CGC on-site authentication and grading?
On-site grading is recommended for cards with a market value of at least $50, with authentication open for cards with a market value of at least $10.
What are the benefits of CGC authentication?
The authentication-only service provides expert review and verification of card authenticity. It’s a lower-priced alternative to numerical grading and encapsulation, which gives collectors the peace of mind that comes with knowing their purchases are genuine.
Will you insure my cards when you ship them to an authentication partner?
Yes, we will insure your cards for their estimated market value.
Can I submit raw cards for grading through Fanatics Collect and keep them in my vault?
Yes. You can select to have your cards curated into your vault after they are graded by the partner of your choice. Simply choose an Archive Only option during your submission.
Can I submit encapsulated cards from another grading company for crossover grading or reholdering?
No, you can only submit raw cards for grading through Fanatics Collect.
If I choose to sell immediately and am not happy with the grade my card receives, can I remove my card from the Weekly Auction?
No. Once a card has been committed to the Weekly Auction it cannot be removed or unlisted.
If you want to wait to see which grade your card earns, you can instead choose to have your cards curated into your Fanatics Collect vault after they’re graded. Then you can list them in an upcoming Weekly Auction or the Buy Now Marketplace from there.