I have exceeded the maximum FanID Login Attempts and/or I am unable to sign in
Request to reset your password via the "Forgot Password" button on the login page. You should receive an email to reset your password accordingly.
Your Fanatics ID has been locked out
An account that has been locked out can be reset following the same steps above. Please use the forgot password button and follow the email steps to reset.
I did not receive email with a 6-digit code for multi-factor authentication
Check your spam folder for the email containing the 6-digit code. If the email is not located in your spam folder or inbox please reach out to customer service. Your account email may need updated to be supported by FanID.
My phone number has been taken
If your phone number has been taken - it is likely this phone number is tied to another one of your accounts. Either login to the account tied to the expected phone number and/or use a new unique phone number for the current account. Alternatively, if you think you haven't linked your phone number to a PWCC account, please reach out to us through our chat or email.
I would like to update/change my login email and/or my login email is not working
If you would like to update your login email please reach out to customer service. The customer service team can update your email accordingly. Note* all emails that contain info@ or admin@ will not work with FanID and need updated.